New Microsoft software to combat child pornography on the internet

A few days ago we read the news in Clarín of the agreement reached by the Brazilian Federal Police with Microsoft to have a new tool to detect and combat child pornography and pedophilia on the internet.

This program, designed in Toronto (Canada) in 2003, was requested by former Canadian detective Paul Gillespie to Bill Gates, in order to "hunt" pedophiles through a program that collected all the information in a database that is at reach of security forces around the world.

Today we read in Antena 3, that Microsoft software called CETS, for its acronym in English, or Child Exploitation Tracking System, will arrive in Spain in a year. CETS already works in Britain, Italy and Indonesia, but the United States (the country that consumes the most child pornography) and Spain is still in, we still have / have to wait.

We are not pleased to give this type of figures, but there they are, in ten years, the abuse of minors collected in images has increased by two thousand percent, only that collected in images! It is a chilling fact that, we hope, will soon come to an end.

Already in our country we have had the Hispalis program for a few months, a “pedophile finder” that was a world first. We hope that this new free tool, in addition to arriving earlier than advertised, will be an effective weapon against child pornography and pedophiles.

Video: Flashback: Cracking down on child pornography (July 2024).