Children with high IQ are more likely to be vegetarians in adulthood

A study prepared by the team of Dr. Catherine Gale of the University of Southampton in England, suggests that Children with a high IQ (IQ) are more likely to eat a vegetarian diet in adulthood.

The study published in the digital edition of the British Medical Journal, took into account the IQ of more than eight thousand people aged 30, who were determined the intelligence index at 10 years.

Dr. Gale states that the result of this study coincides with others in which it was determined that the smartest people have always tended to take more care, both in the field of food and in physical exercise, as well as the people who They follow a vegetarian diet have better cholesterol levels, controlled blood pressure and lower risks of coronary heart disease. The following data are derived from the research: in adulthood, women were more vegetarian than men, in addition to people with greater social class, better academic qualifications and higher vocations, of course, provided they had maintained their IQ.

In figures, for every 15 points of increase in intelligence indices, the probability of being vegetarian rose by 38%. 33% of study participants said they had a flexible vegetarian diet, since they ate white meat, such as chicken and fish. Only 4% of those studied were strict vegetarians and only 2.5% did not consume any animal products, dairy products or eggs.

Our question is how low is the IC in Britain?

Video: IQ of Vegetarian Children (July 2024).