Are women procreating machines?

In Japan they lament the low birth rate in the country, but in the face of statements such as the one expressed by the Japanese Minister of Health, what is to be regretted is the social behavior and the way of thinking that characters like this have.

Hakuo Yanagisawa has described women as "procreation machines" in a speech made in Japan about the serious decline in birth. Judge for yourselves, these are his words:

“The number of women between 15 and 50 years is stable. The number of procreating machines is stable, so all we can do is ask if they do everything possible, ”statements like these do nothing but demonstrate what is the treatment with respect to women and what concept they have of them in Japan. The minister has already asked for forgiveness, arguing that he had used too discourteous language, surely he will have influenced the opinion of the world community for this fictional forgiveness. Let this minister begin to consider what the problem is, if the women's community is stable and they do not want to have children, surely the policy they are using does not allow the situation to change and more, if they treat women as mere appliances.

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