New model of television audiovisual content classification to inform parents

Experts from four Spanish universities are preparing a new classification model for audiovisual content aimed at children up to 12 years old. According to the researcher at the head of the work, the idea is to develop a simile that already exists with respect to video games, the so-called PEGI.

The PEGI system or paneouropean information about games, classifies video games and computer games by the ages of the children to whom they are addressed, in this way it is intended to provide greater confidence to adults, who may know that this game presents appropriate content for the little ones. The new system that experts are developing will allow adults to be informed about the contents of each audiovisual broadcast, indicating whether they present violent images, inappropriate language or sexual content among others.

It is expected that the new program will be fully developed for the year 2008 for its application in Spain, sociologists, psychologists, publicists or pedagogues among others, thoroughly analyze all the variables and identify all those aspects related to the audiovisual content that are issued in the public television networks, studying two episodes of each of the programs and series that are broadcast. Something that explains the researcher is a great truth, the only thing we can see on television, as far as recommendations are concerned, is age and parents can not know any more aspects until we have seen the program.

In addition, it is necessary to add the little correction and seriousness with respect to children's programming, this usually changes within the time slot and we mean that a program that should be broadcast for example at 17:30, broadcast at 18:30 or they don't even broadcast it, sometimes giving priority to adult programs in order to satisfy their audiences.

All programs must be differentiated, children have different cognitive abilities depending on their age, so they must be properly classified. Thanks to this new model of audiovisual classification, a program like the Simpsons can be accurately classified, not as it happens now, that a chain lists as childish and another as an adult program.

Video: Balanced Diet. #aumsum (July 2024).