The toy of third world girls, being mothers in childhood

Girls from industrialized countries can play happily with all kinds of toys, one of their preferences is perhaps dolls, they combine their game moments with family stability and proper education, at least this should be so.

However, girls from third world countries, even when they are ages 5 or 6, have a toy that is really a huge responsibility, caring for a little brother who sometimes becomes a baby of a few months. This task does not allow him to develop his childhood, his education, aspects so necessary in his development. This is just one more problem.

There is also a serious problem that truncates childhood, the obligation to marry. In the world they give birth daily thousands of babies whose mothers are simply girlsIn some countries, being born a female is a discriminating burden for life. But also, depending on the country, the probability that this girl is a mother without having finished her childhood, increases considerably. You just have to take a look at the report published by the NGO Save The Children, said report entitled State of the Mothers, denounces such a catastrophic situation. The conjugation of poverty, the scarce education, obligations, etc., in these countries clearly have a woman's face. We can all discern even without living it, what can be the life of a girl from industrialized countries or that of a third world girl, one of the weapons and escape routes that these girls have is education, thanks to her the indexes of Being a premature mother would go down, since upon receiving education this girl will marry later and know what medical care is or how she can better care for the children she has in the future.

There are many girls who die because they are premature mothers, complications during pregnancy or during childbirth occur continuously since their body is not properly trained to give birth. Avoiding this situation is the task of all the governments of the world, in fact, all the reports that have been prepared by different organizations such as The United Nations Organization, the World Health Organization or hundreds of NGOs, agree on the need to provide education to children, improve sanitary conditions, etc., in short, to change the situation of extreme poverty, marriages at a very early age, improve health, etc., it is necessary to increase the resources allocated to education.

Children must be returned to children, that is everyone's task, our grain of sand will serve to form the mountain that stops this catastrophic situation.

Video: Mother Sprays Water Bottle At Child. What Would You Do? WWYD (July 2024).