Baby showers: the latest fashion, parties to say goodbye to pregnancy

There is always a good reason to celebrate, and more if it is the arrival of a baby. As an example, baby showers, parties to say goodbye to pregnancy and honor the unborn baby.

The custom of "saying goodbye to the belly" is common in the United States and has been sneaked in some Latin American countries arriving in Argentina, where it is the last.

The idea is to meet with friends and family to entertain the pregnant woman before becoming a mother and celebrate the next arrival of the baby filling him with gifts to complete the trousseau.

What do you talk about at the party? Of babies, of course. It speaks of the name it will have, the latest ultrasounds are taught and experiences and anecdotes of pregnancies and births are shared.

Of course, the invitations have baby motifs, the decoration too, games are made and as in any celebration worth its salt there is a cake (or cake), also allusive.

The classic is the "diaper cake" a kind of piñata that also serves as a centerpiece that hides diapers and gifts for the baby.

Do not believe that it is only a matter of a couple of improvised friends (which could also be), but there are companies that are especially dedicated to organizing baby showers so that nothing is missing.

The event is a “girls” meeting that is usually held in the afternoon at tea time during the last month of pregnancy.

They may seem a bit frivolous, another typical Yankee custom as an excuse to resort to consumerism, although there is no denying that there is a good reason to celebrate.

If you are at the end of your pregnancy and you are excited about the idea, spread the news of the baby shower so that your friends, sisters or cousins ​​organize a good celebration before you are a mother.