The excited crying of a girl to know that it will be adopted, moves social networks

"Adoption is amazing and we want others to know that the adoption of older children and sibling groups can be the most beautiful adventure they have ever had.". With those emotional words, Paige Zezulka, a woman from Georgia (United States) accompanied a video on her Facebook profile about the moment they communicate a girl, (now her daughter), her adoption.

The video, which has been viralized in a matter of days, shows the little girl crying excitedly at the news, because after more than three years in a reception center, her dream of having a family was going to come true.

A birthday surprise

The girl and her two little brothers they had been waiting for more than three years to be adopted. Three years in which they had been living in shelters and with great uncertainty.

But after many procedures, a couple from Georgia has finally managed to adopt them, and on the day when the eldest of the brothers turned years old, they decided to communicate the news. To do this, they kept the official adoption document in a box and recorded the camera that would immortalize the moment.

In the video, which was later shared by the mother on her Facebook account, she looks like the little girl opens her birthday present and receives the adoption notification. Her tears of emotion say it all, and that hug between parents and daughter has thrilled the network, precisely on a day when we are shocked by the sad outcome that the adoption of an Indian girl has had.

"This is the best video I've shared. It was the day we told our daughter that we were going to adopt her and her brothers. She had been praying for a long time to be adopted, and we wanted her to know the news on his birthday So we gave him this box with surprise: The moment was perfect!

"Our children have spent 1,128 days in a foster home, more than three years. It is very difficult for children to live in this situation of uncertainty"

"The adoption is incredible and we want others to know that the adoption of older children and sibling groups can be the most beautiful adventure they have ever had" - says the video, shared by Paige Zezulka.

Reactions that move us

That of this little girl is not the only reaction to the adoption we have seen in networks, and that has moved us. A year ago we shared the story of an 11-year-old girl who had also been adopted with her brothers, and whose news was given to her by the principal of the school where she studied.

On another occasion we echoed a couple who had known through television the story of seven brothers who lived separately in different shelters. Such was the restlessness that produced the news, that after a series of procedures, the marriage decided to adopt them all, becoming a large family.

And also from the United States we got the curious story of a marriage that after long procedures of adoption ended up becoming parents of four girls (two couples of sisters) ... in less than 24 hours!

Adoption is a long and difficult road, but the final reward deserves everything. Y this is often demonstrated by all these children and their families, great protagonists of many stories that we have shared (and that we will continue to do), and that teach us the value of love, generosity and unconditional surrender.

Video: When This 11-Year-Old Wore Her Dress for Picture Day, the School's Response Left Her in Tears (July 2024).