The 15-day paternity leave is already a fact

Today will be approved in Congress and will come into force before the end of this month the long awaited Equality Law that, among other things, extend paternity leave to 15 days.

It's good news for parents who can enjoy thirteen more days of their newborns. Until now the duration of the permit was absurd, only 2 days.

And it is also for women who need to share with our partner the first days of being a new family.

The days after childbirth are a bit difficult for women because we are still somewhat upset and sore, so it will be very good for us to have the help of the baby's father to attend to him until we get used to the new situation.

Under the new law, paternity leave will be extended to one month within six years.

It also extends the maternity leave in the case of premature birth or if the newborn has to stay more than seven days admitted, which will begin to be counted once the baby is discharged, with a maximum period of thirteen weeks.

The extension to 15 days of paternity leave in addition to being a great step in favor of non-discrimination of women, will be a huge benefit for the newborn who will receive the care of both mom and dad during their first days of life .

A good gift for men a few days from Father's Day. The next step is to get the maternity leave extended to six months.

Video: Father Suing Employer Over Maternity Leave Discrimination (July 2024).