What to do with the frozen embryos left over from an in vitro fertilization process?

According to the electronic publication El Ideal Digital, Granada and Seville couples who have undergone in vitro fertilization are 20 times more generous and altruistic with science than American couples. After the in vitro fertilization process, Up to 50% of couples who have undergone this treatment have no problem donating frozen embryos to science so that they can continue research and get better results..

Of course, in Spain there are a number of conditions that allow greater altruism, good work and information are the most effective weapons. In the United States, couples who have frozen embryos are informed through a questionnaire about their rights and how they would contribute to science if they decided to donate these embryos. In Spain it is different, the specialized staff (doctors and researchers) and a legal advisor are in charge of informing the couple in detail about how that surplus material can be used.

The four possibilities would be the following, conserve frozen embryos in case they decide to use them in the future, donate them so that other couples can fulfill the dream of being parents, transfer them to the Stem Cell Bank for scientific purposes (this is the option of which we are talking about) or simply eliminate them by defrosting, a totally unsuccessful option.

In our opinion, research is very necessary, thanks to it you get cures, more effective treatments or greater knowledge among others, aspects that can be greatly favored thanks to that altruism. Transparency, information and intentions are aspects that are taken into account when making a donation for science.

An example is the one that occurs in the transplantation of an organ, if unfortunately a child has died, its organs can serve for other children to live, it is a positive result that has derived from an unfortunate fact, but more unfortunate would be to leave without those organs to those who need them. That is why it may be necessary to donate the embryos when it is certain that they will not be necessary, it will be a way to contribute in the advancement of science to the search for remedies, treatments, etc., for the children of tomorrow.

Undoubtedly, we must thank the altruism of Spanish couples and the informative transparency with which the experts of our country act in favor of science and in particular of future couples and babies.

Video: In Vitro Fertilization Embryo Cryopreservation (May 2024).