Consuming little salt during childhood is equivalent to a better quality of life in adulthood

The food that our children have will condition their health and lifestyle when they are adults, recently the V National Congress of the Spanish Society of Basic and Applied Nutrition was held, and among some of the conclusions obtained, the need to properly feed children, implanting them healthy eating habits that will allow when they are of age adult enjoy an optimal state of health thanks to the prevention made since childhood against various diseases.

In the case of excessive salt consumption, it seriously affects the health of the arteries in the long term, it is necessary to create a varied and balanced eating habit but always getting kids used to foods with little salt. It is very important to control the intake of salt that despite being necessary, the problems of arterial hypertension or the increase in cholesterol is associated with it. Children may not be affected by salt consumption as adults do, but if we accustom them to food being excessively seasoned, the older the age, the more appetite for salt, exceeding before or after the limits of salty and seriously affecting health.

Many of the diseases that adults suffer are the result of poor diet, once we did not have as much knowledge as they currently have and we must apply this knowledge so that our children do not suffer some of the diseases that currently plague the population.

It is necessary to emphasize the importance of healthy infant feeding if we do not want our children to suffer from future diseases.

Video: Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition The Thousand Day Window of Opportunity (July 2024).