My girl: her first heels, delighted to be a woman

With just 3 years old, the oldest of my daughters is taking her first steps towards femininity perched on a pair of plastic heels.

No more putting them on learned one of the first lessons in the life of every woman, that being beautiful is not easy. I will not say that we must suffer, because I do not believe it, but it is true that it is not a simple task to maintain balance on a pair of heels.

As expected, he has fallen a dozen times in an afternoon collapsed on his lilac shoes. But as a professional model, she barely said “oh,” she adjusted her princess dress, her feather crown, put on her heels again and continued.

It seems that toy manufacturers pretend that girls do not buy heels in their lives, because having the first ones with a plastic sole is not the best thing to avoid slipping on the parquet floor.

I made a homemade dress by hitting on each sole a pair of plushies, those stickers that are placed on the legs of the chairs so that they do not scratch the floor. Thus we have avoided some unnecessary coscorrones.

The important thing is that she, from her heels three centimeters high, with applications of feathers and strasses, feels the most beautiful in the universe.

As soon as they were given, he paid no attention to them, so I thought that it was not yet the stage in which they are interested in costumes, or that he simply was not interested in heels. Until one day, interest in playing princess became aroused.

His interest coincides with a stage in which he is slowly leaving the nap and has a good time in silence playing quietly with his things, including the costume and heels, brightening me in the evenings with some model passes and sessions of Photos.

He has discovered coquetry, one of the favorite games of some women, because it is also true that there are some who with pink, clothes and makeup do not want to know anything, it is a matter of preferences.

Of course, one day he plays a princess in a fairy tale and the next says he is Spiderman, but that is a typical aspect at this stage in which they are building their own identity.

For my part, I entertain myself as crazy and enjoy a lot of my little princess.

Video: Pulling On Pleaser Delight-3000 Matte Black 6 Inch High Heel Boots (July 2024).