Higher risks in babies born by caesarean section

While cesarean sections are performed (I want to believe that every time) to save the baby's life from certain complications, a study in Argentina reveals that it is not the same for the child's health to be born in this way than by vaginal delivery.

Dr. José María Ceriani Cernadas, from the Neonatology Service of the Italian Hospital and author of the study, compared the births of more than 2,200 children and was able to verify that In babies born by caesarean section before week 39, complications increased by more than 40%.

The main disorders were respiratory disorders that caused babies to remain 2 or 3 days in intensive oxygen therapy.

Although all the babies recovered after that time, the treatment that many newborns require after a C-section causes them to remain for the first few days for several hours away from their mother, and that is not advisable.

The specialists indicated that most of the complications occurred in births that occurred in weeks 37 and 38 of gestation, so they recommend that in cases where it can be avoided as in scheduled births should be performed in week 39 or 40 of gestation, when the baby's respiratory system is more mature.

This study evidences another of the disadvantages of cesarean deliveries, which we hope will diminish with the implementation of the new health plan for more natural births.

Video: Risks and benefits of VBAC and planned caesarean section (July 2024).