Audioblog of a pregnancy

A new initiative of the BBC digital publication allows us to follow a audioblog of a pregnancy. Through several chapters we can learn about some of the experiences lived by a future mother, Yolanda Valery.

Yolanda explains how she feels, how her mood varies and what she experiences as her belly increases, calls us to make several reflections on each stage and on each feeling that blooms, why she is afraid, happy, anxious, sad, etc. An uncertain future, financial and physical pressures, all with a fun and enjoyable volume.

This future mom tells her status every Friday and shares with the listeners everything that happened during the week, through the BBC publication we have the possibility to talk to her and share experiences, provide encouragement and courage, laugh and learn, etc.

If you are expecting a baby and want to share your experiences about pregnancy in any of its aspects, you have the possibility of sending a recorded file with those moments in mp3 to the address [email protected] indicating as subject of the Audioblog mom mail.

Without a doubt, it is a different experience, a way of sharing, a special way of transmitting. So far Yolanda has made four audioblogs, deliveries will end when the expected event arrives, the birth of your baby.

Video: Buying the Preg-Ugh-Nancy Test- Audio Blog (July 2024).