New project to try to know the causes of childhood cancer

A Spanish scientific project aims to study the causes of childhood cancer, its incidence or the survival rates that occur, it is about an interesting project developed by the University of Valencia and which takes as a sample the children population between the ages of 0 and 14 years. Knowing exactly what are the causes that generate up to 850 new cases per year is essential to try to reduce its incidence.

We remind you that recently we had released a German study that showed the relationship between childhood cancer and nuclear power plants, the closer to a plant the more cases of cancer. The new Spanish study could identify other risk factors, hence we find it necessary and valuable. As in the German report, in recent years the survival rate has increased considerably and currently up to 80% of cancer cases are satisfactorily resolved, however, as in the rest of Europe, cases also increase year after year. year, currently this growth stands at 1.3%. The cause could be subject to food, geographic area, genetics, etc., the truth is that much remains to be done to determine the main causes of childhood cancer.

There have not been as many studies as it should have been in recent years, these have turned especially in adults, since the incidence in older people is significantly higher, childhood cancer has a 1% incidence. The truth is that it is unfortunate that it has not been investigated in greater depth, if the arguments were the minimum incidence, it would be interesting to ask the parents of these children who think about it, although surely they will already be aware.

It is necessary to thank this new study whose purpose is to improve the current situation of children affected by cancer and to prevent the proliferation of new cases in the future. Currently in Spain, 140 new cases of childhood cancer appear every year for every million children, it seems an insignificant figure, but one life is an invaluable asset and one must fight for each of them.