Live with weapons, Daddy, buy me a Kalashnikov!

An interesting documentary will be broadcast tonight at 11 p.m. on the television network Cuatro, about the problem in the US, where the weapons are available to children in their own homes. The parents themselves give their children the latest news in firearms, as if they were simple toys, children who with only 4 years already shoot their parents' weapons and they are really proud of it.

Parents transmit to their children the unfortunate pleasure of wielding a weapon, of firing them, of enjoying the scent of gunpowder ... in short, they introduce them into a violent world where the most effective response to a conflict can be a shot and its consequences.

On too many occasions we have known through the media news about indiscriminate killings in which firearms have been the protagonists, including news about children who have shot at their friends or about someone voluntarily or involuntarily. How does the world of weapons influence children? Many specialists would respond without hesitation, indicating that in a very negative way, but the parents of these children will never heed the advice they provide. In the future, they may regret that their children die as a result of the manipulation of firearms. We recommend watching this documentary, Daddy, buy me a Kalashnikov!, we can know the reasons argued by parents to encourage their children to wield a weapon.

We are left with a phrase pronounced by various parents in this documentary, "Children have to start very young to shoot" and therefore do not hesitate to fulfill the wishes of children who have asked Santa Claus for an automatic rifle, a gun, a shotgun, etc. It really scares and shocks the mentality of this American sector.