Judgment in favor of work-family conciliation

Although, as we always say, there is still a long way to go so that the reconciliation of work life and family life is a fact implanted naturally in our society, this is good news about it. A judge has given the reason to a working mother who demanded to choose a schedule different from the shifts established by her company.

Thus, this woman will be able to attend to her 2 children, under 8 years old, before and after school. A court in Barcelona has made a new interpretation of the workers' statute law, which recognizes the right to choose the work schedule for paternity, giving the mother the possibility of choose the schedule that suits you, regardless of the work shifts set by the company.

I could see this news yesterday on television, and it was quite painful and clear index of the huge obstacles still to be overcome seeing the woman how she said that if in the company they were going to make life impossible, she didn't care, she was not going to leave, they were not going to throw her out in any way.

When we have to stop asking ourselves these questions, when maternal mobbing is only a memory, the final step will have been taken.

The worker is employed by a car parts manufacturing company in Rubí (Vallès Occidental) that has three rotating shifts in the morning, afternoon and night. She requested a day that does not coincide with the established shifts (from 10 in the morning until 6 in the afternoon), or a reduction to leave at 5 in the afternoon and reconcile her family life with work.

The management fears that other women will request the same, which would cause "an insurmountable organizational dysfunction." Anyway, they will have to adapt to the new situation, because this judicial ruling sets a precedent and the compatibility of interests has prevailed.

Video: Mediation Tips for High Conflict Divorces or Custody Battles (July 2024).