Construction games and their benefits

Construction games They are among the most successful among children and one of those who accompany the recreational activity of children for longer.

It is a set of pieces, in the same or different ways, with which multiple combinations can be made, creating different structures. The most classic are the Lego, but today there are a lot of toys with these characteristics.

Around the first year the child begins to discover what they are about until about five or six years old, when they have already become experts in the art of assembling and embedding.

In the early stages it is more than anything a process of manipulation of the pieces. They love block and cube games to put one inside another, stack them and, above all, knock them down. It is a phase of investigation of objects, they learn to differentiate them by size, by color and to relate them to each other.

Later, as the child masters the technique, he begins to handle the concept of insertion to assemble objects, scenarios and elements that are closest to reality. While the child grows the difficulty of the game is increasing, having to coordinate more and more precisely his hands and fingers with his eyesight favoring the skill and mastery of fine motor skills.

Through these games children acquire basic notions for understanding the world around them. In addition to developing their motor skills by manipulating the pieces, it helps them acquire spatial concepts such as volume, large-small, high-low, short-long, geometric shapes, as well as acquiring some more complex notions such as balance, symmetry or the resistance.

They are also a basis for them to develop the symbolic game, also called simulation game in the child recreates situations he sees in real life. Imitating what you see and creating new forms activates your own creativity.

Construction games also contribute to making the child more organized, because the game itself makes it customary to sort and classify the pieces.

But they are not only beneficial for their motor and intellectual development, but also for their cognitive and emotional development and even some study pointed out that they contribute to the rapidity in language acquisition.

This type of game helps the child to accept that there are certain physical rules that must be followed, that not everything is as he would like. This will help you in the future to better adapt to the norms in all life situations.

As you can see, construction games are not just a bunch of pieces to spread. In addition to entertaining them, they have multiple advantages for their integral development, so they become a great ally of preschoolers.

Video: I Made $246,397,197,269 by Deleting the Internet - Startup Company gameplay - Let's Game It Out (June 2024).