Let the snot circulate!

When a baby, due to the cold, accumulates mucus, it is not always easy to make it circulate. The common cold makes the respiratory mucous membranes become inflamed, and this edema causes a cough.

Cough in babies can be a defensive reflex mechanism that cooperates in the expulsion of mucus, but it can be very annoying for the child if it is continuous and dry. That is, a non-productive cough, which does not expel phlegm.

Use the nasal aspirators It does not always work well if congestion is considerable and the mucus is quite low. He physiological serum It can help the mucus transit. Also a solution provided by my pediatrician after a bad night of my baby with that recurrent cough.

Using a vaporizer or humidifier in a room with tile walls increases moisture in the air and it can help relieve a dry throat and the mucus circulating. The bathrooms are the most appropriate space, as they tend to be smaller than other parts of the house. In the absence of humidifiers we can resort to the bathtub, opening the hot water with the cap closed until creating that steam.

It is about the humidity reaching condensate on the walls and once achieved, get with the baby about 15 minutes in the bathroom. If you can, repeat this operation in the mist up to 4 times a day.

I can say that these “humidity baths” have been very good for my baby, with some more productive cough and more passable mucus, until clearing the nose. The use of physiological serum after these baths is also more effective.

As we always remember, it is a pediatrician who must assess the mucus and cough of the baby to make the correct diagnosis, ruling out more complex cases than a simple cold, and send the appropriate treatment.

Video: Sinusitis, Animation. (July 2024).