Your baby's picture: Mia Belén and the Mother Kangaroo Method

The beautiful and smiling girl in the picture is called Mia Bebén and it's all a fighter, like her mother Erika who after a pregnancy at rest, after many failed attempts due to her uterine myomatosis, gave birth in the week of gestation 28 to her 1 kilo daughter who then dropped to 800 grams.

In Peru they also practice the Mother Kangaroo Method that this blog defends so much and all the scientific evidence and how beneficial it has been for Mia Belen whom we see with 8 months.

Below you have another picture of Erika with her daughter practicing the method.

Thank you for your testimony and we continue to encourage all parents who want to see photos of their babies on our pages that leave them in the Baby Flickr group and more.