10 fundamental books for parenting

I wish I had read these books before I was a mother! It would have saved me so many fears, insecurities, dislikes, doubts ... but I learned trumpets and many times, when I discovered them, putting words to what I felt. They served me a lot, both to understand me and to explain to whom I wanted to hear my reasons for raising as I do.

10 books A round number, although there are many more, with these I have stayed to make a list of those best volumes that can accompany us and teach us on the path of motherhood.

  1. "Kiss Me a lot". Carlos Gonzalez. This pediatrician and great writer exposes, with his agile verb and his usual touches of humor, the bases of a respectful and empathic upbringing. Indispensable. For mothers, grandmothers, sisters-in-law and friends. And also for parents.
  2. "Sleep without tears." Rosa Jové. An analysis of this extraordinary psychopediatrist who exposes how childhood sleep is an evolutionary process. It allows parents to approach questions and possible problems at bedtime and gives them the security of trusting their children and accompanying them once they assume that a crying baby is a suffering baby.

  • "Motherhood and the encounter with the shadow itself". Laura Gutman The Argentine psychotherapist develops in this work a deep and delicate analysis of the female psyche and the way in which motherhood reveals hidden aspects, ghosts. It shows us how the possibility of feeling true revelations opens to us, after which nothing we knew will be the same again. The madness of not recognizing ourselves in the puerperium and emotional communication with the baby are unrepeatable moments that we can live as learning and joy.
  • "The baby is a mammal".Michel Odent. The author is a reputable gynecologist who, in this work, reveals us as oxytocin, the love hormone, has a fundamental role at birth. Our young, like other mammals, need their mother's body as a natural habitat.
  • "A present for the whole life", Carlos Gonzalez The aforementioned pediatrician, one of the greatest experts in breastfeeding, explains the reasons why breastfeeding on demand is the best option for all children, because it also provides them with the perfect food, a connection with their mothers and a Unrivaled sense of security. And it also solves the doubts and problems that may arise in breastfeeding.
  • "The birth revolution", Isabel Fernández del Castillo. When this work first appeared, it went almost unnoticed and in its reissue it has become a fundamental book about the respected birth. The author analyzes the model of childbirth care in other developed countries and proposes a revolution so that parents know how to give our children a birth that respects natural and spontaneous processes.
  • "The concept of continuum", Jean Liedloff The idea that develops is that babies need to receive the experiences of adaptation that our species has had since it exists: sleep with the child, breastfeeding, offer permanent physical contact, make him feel taken into account and respected.
  • "Educate to be", Rebeca Wild. This work stems from a real educational project, which works to allow children to be the active protagonists of their learning, discarding the disciplinary and directive models of the traditional school. This opens up the possibility of letting the discovery of the world guide the formation of children, respecting their processes at all times.
  • "The repression of maternal desire", Casilda Rodrigáñez. This book is overwhelming, like a tromba that leaves everything ripped in its path and allows us to reconstruct the idea of ​​society from scratch. Analyze the historical processes and current trends that make patriarchal models survive, schemes that destroy and nullify the feminine capacity to feel the power of femininity.
  • "Your child, a competent person", Jesper Juul The revealing knowledge that children, from birth, are competent people capable of expressing their needs and feelings, in addition to being able to cooperate, opens up the possibility of a family experience based on respect and dignity reciprocally recognized by all their members. It helps parents understand that many times it is we who are incapable of understanding children's messages, and by doing so, we will improve their self-esteem and learn to know ourselves better.
  • Ten books Surely I leave some indispensable, but without these it is difficult to walk. Finally I recommend that, whenever you can, read them accompanied by some other interested reader, because doubts and comments will assault you continuously. If you want to do it, you can join the Breeding with the Heart Reading Group, where these and other works of great interest are read and discussed.

    Video: MONTESSORI AT HOME: 5 Great Books for Parents (May 2024).