In Babies and more we have sometimes recommended books published by this editorial, but I think it is interesting to know it directly through its website. OB STARE specializes in topics that our readers may be interested in: pregnancy, childbirth, primary health, psychology ... always with a marked philosophy of promoting respected birth.

The publisher puts at the service of the user the possibility of online purchase and among its publications are some as important as "The Guide of the Conscious Woman for a better delivery", of which we speak already here. Among his publications was the magazine "The World of Motherhood" which remains a fundamental compilation of basic reference articles.

They are also preparing the Inter-Atlantic Congress on childbirth and research in primary health. Although it will be carried out in 2010, organizational work has already begun, with interventions by specialists on caesarean, effects of oxytocin on behavior or the collection of fetal cells in maternal blood. The president of the organizing committee is Dr. Michel Odent and will be attended by Dr. Mario Merialdi, coordinator for maternal and perinatal health at WHO.

Video: OB STARE en México (July 2024).