The influence of the mother, decisive for mathematics

Of course, the influence of the mother is essential for the formation of the child's personality.

According to a study from the University of London it is also for children to get better grades in mathematics since The educational level of the mother is one of the keys that the child has more ease for numbers.

It is curious that the level of studies of the father does not affect this facility, however it also highlights that a family environment of support for the study is equally influential for good results in mathematics.

Research also revealed that apart from the mother's genetic influence, when the child is stimulated to learn with games, he gets better results. This is no revelation. A motivated child, accompanied by their parents in the learning process, whether they are mathematics or language, will have more self-confidence and will better absorb any concept.

What seemed striking to me is that the study aimed to investigate whether or not the nursery school contributes to a better training in mathematics. The results have said yes, since in preschool education these concepts are also worked, but that the most binding factor were the mothers.

We can already see moms the great responsibility we have in the development of our children, not only in the aspect of personality formation, that we have it, and much, but also in the continuous learning process of our children.

Video: LIVE: Acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker testifies before the House Judiciary Committee (July 2024).