Birte and Ben: wooden dolls with clothes

This is one of the last toys we bought from our son Jon. We toured a few days ago by the Abacus and Myriam Cooperative, which has a great clinical eye, saw Birte and Ben.

These are two dolls manufactured by the German Goki. Are from wood and wires with flexible tips and they come inside a wooden trunk of few dimensions (10x13x14 cm.) that weighs 350 gr. with 14 different sets of clothes and with various accessories (scarves, ribbons, scarves and hats) to change them. The size of the dolls is 10 cm., So they can be used even for dollhouses.

Looking for possible utilities to Birte and Ben could comment that they help stimulate fine motor skills as they can dress and undress the dolls, button up buttons, link, ... allows them to know the body parts and move them. Children also learn the order in which to put the clothes, first this garment, then this other, ... as well as the name of each garment and the occasions and seasons of the year in which we use them. We can build communication capacity and invite the child to use his imagination Since he can develop situations of everyday life, invent stories thanks to the costumes he wears (cowboy, Indian, princess, prince, ...)

It is recommended for children from 3 years. Jon doesn't have them yet and doesn't know how to dress them, so we do it for him with his indications of dressmaker.

Video: 10 AMAZING Girls Birthday CAKE IDEAS Compilation! (July 2024).