Pregorexia: anorexia in pregnancy

There are women who feel excessively worried about the kilos that increase in pregnancy by limiting the intake of calories to gain as little weight as possible and even to reduce size. The anorexy It is an eating disorder suffered by women who stop feeding when it occurs in pregnant women it is called pregorexia.

It is essential that women understand that there is a significant percentage of weight gain during pregnancy that is inevitable. It is distributed between the baby, the placenta, the increase of the uterus, the chest, the blood volume and the amniotic fluid, added to the retention of fluids, very frequent in pregnancy.

On average, a healthy woman should gain between 10 and 15 kilos throughout pregnancy, depending on her physical structure; an overweight woman should increase from 7 to 10 kilos and a normally thin woman, from 15 to 20 kilos.

As with anorexia, in which the image of a “pretty” woman translates into a slender woman, the pregnant woman can be compared to women who have gained little weight in pregnancy and become frustrated. Again, society imposes models of women who remain thin during pregnancy and as soon as they give birth they return to their ideal weight. Comparisons are always odious, there are women who due to their complexion and genetic tendency gain less weight and others more.

But more important than focusing on the kilos itself is to have a balanced diet during pregnancy. Poor weight gain and even weight loss is as harmful as excessive weight gain when we expect a baby.

The fetus needs the essential nutrients it receives through the mother for its correct development, as well as for its future life, so it falls into the pregorexia, anorexia in pregnancy It can have serious consequences on your health.

To control weight gain, women should eat a varied diet consisting of dairy products, fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meat, avoid high-fat foods and limit sweets. Of course, moderate physical activity is also key to not gaining more weight.

The key to a healthy pregnancy is to eat properly and exercise. The baby's health is above a "perfect" image.

Video: Bulimia (May 2024).