Rice pudding. Recipe for pregnant women

I know the Rice pudding It is a classic and, I have always taken for granted that anyone knows how to cook it, but after doing a small survey in the office I see that it is not always very clear how to do it.

During the survey Victoria tells me that her mother won a cooking contest in Ávila, with her recipe for rice pudding and while she tells me she is already dialing her mother's phone number, she passes it to me, while yelling at her to explain the recipe and Juana (Victoria's mother), who is a very generous person, has no choice but to confess her recipe. And I do not have secrets, I share it with you, and I take the opportunity to confess that from now on it will be my recipe, I already like it more as it is in the manner of Juana de Ávila, than mine so far.

This dessert gives us carbohydrates, calcium, iron, protein, fiber, vitamins E and lipids.

The ingredients for 4 people

1 liter of semi-skimmed milk, 250 grams of rice, 6 tablespoons of sugar, a piece of orange peel, 1 piece of lemon peel, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 vanilla bean and cinnamon powder.

The preparation of rice pudding

We put in a pot the milk, the cinnamon stick, the lemon peel, the orange peel, the open and scraped vanilla pod and bring it to a boil.

When it starts to boil, we throw the rice and let it cook for as long as it is recommended in the container, usually about 20 minutes.

When the rice is cooked, turn off the heat and add the sugar, stir and let stand a few minutes.

Preparation time | 5 minutes
Cooking time | 20 minutes
Difficulty | Easy


We serve cold, we distribute in individual bowls, sprinkled with cinnamon powder.

If we don't have any vanilla pods, we can flavor it by replacing one of the tablespoons of sugar with a tablespoon of vanilla sugar.

The original recipe was with whole milk, but I replaced it with semi-skimmed milk.

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