How to improve sperm quality

Low sperm quality is the most common fertility problem among men. Therefore, if you are looking for a baby it is important that the man takes into account some tips to improve the quality of your sperm.

The conception of a baby is a matter of two, in which both the reproductive health of women and that of men influence, for whose sperm the biological clock, stress and an unhealthy lifestyle also take their toll.

Last year, a study by more than 60 assisted reproduction centers in Spain was released, according to which almost 60% of Spanish youth have poor semen, that is, below the concentration levels considered normal for conceive.

To get a better quality of sperm and that they are strong and able to fertilize an egg, just adopt healthy lifestyle habits and follow some simple tips.

  • Sport without excesses: a sports activity is beneficial for the body, but falling into excesses and the desire to achieve goals can trigger a state of anxiety that ends up negatively affecting sperm quality.
    Training routines that are too demanding can be counterproductive, as can the intensive practice of a sport not seen for male fertility, such as cycling. The friction exerted on the testicles affects the qualities of sperm.
  • Food and sperm: good nutrition is key. The antioxidants Mainly contained in fruits and vegetables are responsible for improving the mobility and morphology of sperm.
    Others are also important essential nutrients such as folic acid (in legumes, green leafy vegetables and whole grains), zinc (shellfish, meat, fish, eggs and dairy), vitamin C (in most citrus and other fruits and vegetables), vitamin E (nuts and olive oil) and vitamin A (dairy, carrot, squash, apricot and green leafy vegetables).
    Avoid the excess fat and foods with too many calories is also good advice for those who want to see their reproductive quality improved.
  • Avoid tight clothes, because it exerts friction on the testicles and prefer cotton garments to synthetic ones.

  • Do not take too long baths with Hot water, since hyperthermia (increased body temperature) may decrease semen motility.

  • Avoid or reduce the tobacco and alcohol consumption. Numerous studies have shown that the semen of non-smokers is better than that of smokers in terms of viability and longevity and that smokers also practice less sex.

  • By last, stress He is one of the greatest enemies of fertility. A high level of stress is strongly associated with low reproductive quality.

Video: How to improve sperm quality. sperm motility & morphology (July 2024).