Adaptation period yes or no?

September arrives and with it schools and nurseries re-open their doors to children, many already known and many who have everything to discover.

Whether we talk about nursery school or if we talk about school, there are centers that choose to carry out an adaptation period (I would say most) and others who do not. Many parents think they are doing well and others think that you don't get too much or that "Hey, life is like that".

A few days ago I talked with a co-worker on this subject, because my oldest son starts school this month and will do three days of adaptation. It seems necessary and logical to me, however she thought that the only thing that was achieved was that they cried more days (something like lengthening the suffering to do it little by little).

I don't know what experiences other parents and other moms have, but at the school where my son is enrolled they commented that the first year they did not adapt, that many children were on the first day the eight hours that add up if they stay in the dining room and that It was quite hard for children and teachers.

The following year they tried to make the entrance more gradually and the result was very different.


What is the adaptation period?

They are a few days (or one day, it depends on each school) in which the children go less hours, enter with the parents and the mothers, share a little time with the rest of the children and with the teacher (or teacher) and become for home.

Little by little they are left alone longer (that is, without parents) as they get more distracted and everyone knows each other.

But there are some who cry the same, right?

Yes of course, each child has a different adaptation rhythm and there are some who find it hard to be alone with people they have known for a few days.

Many do not understand what they do there or know if mom or dad will return once they leave. Little by little, as they are taking security and they realize that Mom is looking for them again and that she fills them with kisses when they pick up the cries they tend to remit.

Already, but life is like that ... better tanned, right?

Young children are that, young children. Beings in formation who do not yet have emotional bases to digest according to what events. Allow a child to have a bad time "because life is like that" it can cause that instead of taking confidence and force before the life it takes fear and resentment.

There are events in life that we cannot control in which children have a bad time, of course. Those are the times when we must be close to fathers and moms to offer a shoulder to cry on, a handkerchief to dry or an ear to listen to.

The rest of the moments we should try to live them in the same way that we would like to live them.
In this case, if we all do a period of adaptation at work, why can't they do it?

But I don't go to work for the first day ...

Sure, we adults don't have two or three years, we have many more and therefore we are able to spend eight hours in an unknown place without having a really bad time, however when we enter a new job we have our particular period of adaptation:

  • They introduce us to the partners we are going to work with. Children too, but they do not have the ability to establish relationships of trust that provide security as adults, so you need a known figure (the mother) until you are able to be calm with other people.
  • They show us the facilities, the changing rooms, where you can eat, etc. To the children too, but they need some time to discover that new world and, like all new developments, it is easier to know it from the hand of someone who gives us security.
  • They explain the schedules and the operation of the company. To the children too, but it is easier when Mom explains it and when they gradually realize they will return.
  • They accompany us to our job and explain what they expect from us. The children, if they do not have the adaptation period, no one of confidence accompanies them.
  • All our partners (usually) smile and welcome us. The teacher smiles at the children, the rest of the companions, this way of beginning, are not usually very much for the work.
  • We are a few days with someone of reference who explains in a personalized way how we have to do our work. Children who are adapting can be accompanied by their father or mother. Those who do not have no one to give them that peace of mind the first few days.
  • Even when a few days pass we can continue asking that person of reference, who is the one who gives us security and confidence when doing things. Children, on the other hand, will stop having mom or dad close by as soon as the adaptation period is over.

I think that no company today (worth its salt) avoids making the period of adaptation with its workers, basically because for a good operation, since despite being in the 21st century we are not yet machines, we still need to have the confidence and assurance that what we do is well done and we enjoy more and live better if all this happens in a known, pleasant and friendly environment.

Children, in their short experience, need to be certain that they will be fine there, that nothing will happen to them and that dad (or mom) will return. If we are with them for a few days and they observe us in their classroom, calm, confident, talking with the teacher and allowing their interaction with other children, we are making the change easier.

In addition there is something that I personally like to consider. Until the age of six it is not mandatory for a child to go to school, so if they go before it is the decision of the parents. We instead have to work to live.

Life is hard, yes, but they don't have to go through it at such early ages, because as I say, until the age of six, nobody is going to look for them at home because they have not gone to school or food is missing. in the table.

Since the decision to go to school is ours, the least we can do is try to make it as traumatic as possible… I say.

Photos | Flickr (Krheault), Flickr (chippenziedeutch)
In Babies and more | Tips that help children in the period of adaptation to nursery school, The period of adaptation to school, When the return to school is a trauma,

Video: Living Things Change: Crash Course Kids # (July 2024).