Expelled from the school's WhatsApp group the father who made us laugh with the adventures of his daughter's class mascot

A month ago we echoed the funny story that Eugenio D'Ors, father of a three-year-old girl, had shared on his Twitter account. In the thread, the man recounted his adventures with his pet's class pet, and many people felt quickly identified.

Such was the expectation it caused, that shortly thereafter Eugene decided to also share how he had been doing in the meeting with his daughter's tutor, and now He tells us why he was expelled from the WhatsApp group of school parents; another hilarious thread that reminds us how we should use this tool correctly.

The group was created months before school began

This father explains how the WhatsApp group decided to create after the meeting the school held in June to inform about the start of the next course; that is, approximately three months before classes start.

In Babies and more The return to school of WhatsApp groups: peace is over

Actually it all started at the meeting that took place in June to welcome us to school. I already got in a bad mood, because I detected a knife and daddy mummy, about fifteen, who already knew each other at the nursery. The owners of the cotarro were already becoming.

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

Delegate had to vote. And this little group, with giggles of complicity, pointing to a daddy: "Alex, Alex!" There I began to feel quite rejection. They decided it. Well, okay. Well, Alex. That is also bald. With three-year-old and bald daughter. All right.

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

Next, delegate Alex handed us the paper to write down our numbers. Of course, he was going to be the administrator, of course. Very diligent, by the way. After an hour he received the diabolical message: "You have been added to the group 🐥🐥The P3 Chicks 🐣🐣". Terror.

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

But in a short time, they got out of hand

Since many of the parents that made up the WhatsApp group knew each other beforehand, they soon began using this tool as a means of communication for to joke, tell jokes or make leisure plans among adults; something that Eugene didn't like.

In Babies and more The viral fun that demonstrates that WhatsApp groups of school parents have gotten out of hand

And the nightmare began. It turns out that the cuchipandi was dedicated to putting their gracietas that only they understood. They even stayed among them from the chat. All this in July. The course had not even begun. I remember asking one thing about the English notebook. Silence.

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

At one point, when I entered and found 84 notifications, I intervened. "Hello, could we book this chat for school matters, please?" Silence. After an hour, one answers: "It can be silenced ...". I answer: "If it is silenced, what function does it do then?"

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

Another one answers: "The same, you are looking at it". I answer: "What bothers you is the amount of messages that have nothing to do with the course." Silence.
At night, again. Come vibrate the mobile. I look. They were organizing the barbecue tomorrow. The mother who bore.

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

And then, Eugene decided to act in this peculiar way

Then I send a message: "Honey, have you hung up your clothes?" My wife is also in the group, of course. She replies: "Yes, but the boy's underwear I have put it back, do not see." I add: "Am I making dinner?" My wife: "Ok, I'm peeling potatoes." Add one: "Hey."

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

Another who had never intervened: "JAJAJAJAJAJA". Other: "Tortilla with onion or without onion". They started arguing about the tortilla. An impressive debate formed. And the quiet knife. I came up. I sent the wasap black photo. You know.

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

Soon several mamis and some ally jumped. What a shame, please, what had I thought. I occasionally added "hahahaha" and that's it. The administrator intervened. "Any other message of bad taste and I will have to take action." He threw me away.

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

"You have been expelled from the group"

I replied: "What will you take action? I wouldn't do it, Alex, I don't think you can stand the comparison with black."
After a few seconds: "You have been expelled from the group." The best part was that they didn't realize that my wife was still there, in fact she still is.

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

Although he has never made himself known as the woman he messed with on the wasap. The debate that was generated next was of supporters and detractors of my cause. And I read it from my wife's cell phone, I was pissing. There was one who said that throwing me was a fascist 😂

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

Three months ago I started the course and nobody greets me, I don't stand up, I always stay away from the little groups, they cause me hives. In fact, I don't even know who the parents of my course are, some face sounds to me, the only bald one in Alex, the one who threw me out. To that or water.

- Eugenio d'Ors (@ra_LA_me) December 14, 2018

The true function of WhatsApp groups

The WhatsApp groups of the school were created with a fantastic purpose: facilitate communication between parents and the organization of matters related to the school of our children. However, we know that they are not always used exclusively for this purpose, and sometimes they can become a real nightmare.

In order for the group to function properly, there are no misunderstandings and the members that are part of it do not end up saturated with banal messages, a series of basic rules that ensure its proper functioning must be met:

  • Avoid touching sensitive topics or that may affect the sensitivity of some people

  • Do not criticize or speak ill of teachers or school workers. Any problem you have is better treated face to face with the corresponding person, to avoid any kind of misunderstanding.

In Babies and more than 1,600 euros of fine for speaking ill of the teacher in the WhatsApp group of the class
  • Don't be your child's agenda, and let him be autonomous in his school duties and responsibilities. In this way, we will also avoid using the WhatsApp for personal issues.

  • Ask the same thing over and over again. Y answer things that contribute nothing, the group is full of notifications and can be very annoying for other people.

But the main rule of the WhatsApp group of the school is not to talk about issues that have nothing to do with the school, or send spam to the rest of the group members through memes, jokes or videos.

The thread shared by this father is a great example of how the WhatsApp groups of the school should not be used, because in a single conversation we can see how each and every one of the rules just mentioned is broken.

This, in addition, ends up generating bad atmosphere between the parents and giving a bad example to our children. Therefore, let's be cautious in the use of technologies and act with respect and empathy towards others, because well used, the WhatsApp groups of the school can be a great help.