Acne in newborn babies

Usually on the face of newborn babies between one and two months of age appear small white or yellowish pustules in the area of ​​the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. Is the call neonatal acne, also know as miliary acne or more popularly as fattening or milk granites.

One imagines the face of a baby with silky smooth skin, so when these pimples come out we parents often worry a lot. Will they go away? Will they leave a mark? Will they bite you? In children who are breastfed we ask ourselves, will my diet be to blame?

Neonatal acne appears in 40% of newborns and is caused by the accumulation of fat in the baby's skin that is trapped in its pores.

It is the hormones that have been transferred to the baby through the placenta that are responsible for stimulating increased production of the sebaceous glands that cause acne.

The granites are not painful, nor itchy. They are not contagious nor is it related to the mother's diet, although it is usually believed that they appear in breast milk.

It is possible that the baby also presents these pimples in the mouth and gums to what is known as Epstein pearls.

In two or three weeks the neonantal acne It disappears by itself. There is no trace of the granites. Just as they came they leave. It is not recommended to apply any product, or scrub the baby's skin, much less tighten them as it could be left brand. Simply keep the skin clean to avoid infection.

Video: Neonatal Baby Acne (May 2024).