Fruits in infant feeding: apple and pear

After an introduction on the role that fruits play in infant feeding, we will go into each fruit in detail starting with two very consumed: the apple and the pear.

The apple and pear are fruits of trees of the same family, rosacea, and besides being two of the fruits that are consumed most, they are the first ones that are usually offered to the baby when the introduction of new foods begins to complement their diet , after six months.

The Apple

For something it is called "The queen of fruits". It is one of the most consumed fruits, it is available throughout the year, it is well tolerated by most people and its health qualities are undeniable. A well-known English saying says that “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

The Apple It is a very complete fruit. It provides potassium, phosphorus, fiber, calcium, sodium, magnesium, carbohydrates, iron and vitamins A, B, C and E.

85% of its composition is water, becoming a food very refreshing and moisturizing. In addition, due to its content in natural sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose) it is easily assimilated to the body.

It has anti-inflammatory properties of the digestive system and a great diuretic power, including anti-catarrhal and hypotensive. Its antioxidant action is known, as it helps reduce the effect of free radicals in the body.

One of the most outstanding properties is its action as intestinal regulator. Because of its fiber content, it is useful as a laxative to treat constipation if consumed raw and skinned, while peeled, grated and cooked has an astringent effect. Therefore, it is especially indicated for cases of diarrhea.

The apple also contains pectin, a soluble fiber that functions as a toxin absorber and improves the functions of the digestive system, helping to purify the body.

Thanks to flavonoids it is beneficial for the heart, and because of its carbohydrate content it provides energy.

There are more than a thousand varieties of apples. The best known are golden delicious, red delicious, golden supreme, reineta, granny and royal gala. Your skin can be of different colors: red, green, yellow and bicolor.

The apple, in all its varieties, can be offered to the baby from six months. But for its sweet taste and juice, the most recommended as the first food is the red apple.

When buying them, choose the brightest colors and avoid discolored ones and those with soft parts. As for conservation, it is recommended to keep them in the refrigerator in a plastic bag so that they are better preserved.

You have to clean the apple well before consuming it and prepare it at the time of consumption to avoid oxidation. If the whole apple is not consumed, the rest can be stored for another time by dipping it in a part of lemon juice by three parts of water.

The pear

It is not as recognized as apple, but pear is also a fruit very complete and beneficial for health. It has a high content of potassium, which acts with calcium in the bone formation of the child, a low content of carbohydrates and sodium and has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties so its consumption (very mature) is indicated for digestive disorders such as diarrhea

It is low in calories and rich in fibers. It is also diuretic so it is recommended to increase urination and in cases of urinary tract infection, as well as edema and fluid retention.

It is also a source of vitamin C, folic acid and beta-carotene, being an ideal food for eyesight, skin and defenses.

It is very rich in amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential for the formation of the child's growing tissues.

There is many varieties of pears. Depending on the variety and the time of collection, the pear will have a determined shape, color and flavor. The best known are the William's, the lemon tree, blanquilla, conference and Rome.

As the first food, the ripe pear (if, when pressed with the finger, it gives slightly) it will be the best accepted by the baby. The most suitable varieties to start with are the sweetest and slightly acidic, such as William's.

How to prepare the apple and pear

The simplest way to prepare them is pureed, crushing them more or less fine according to the baby's preference. At first you will be offered a very fine puree and then leave more fat pieces, and even offer the fruits cut into wedges so that the baby is undone.

They can be eaten as dessert or snack both raw and roasted, in compote, in juice, in jelly or jam, although all the ways in which sugar is added it is preferable to wait to offer them to the baby.

They can also be used to accompany salty foods. Both fruits combine very well with pork or chicken and also with some vegetables such as carrots or beets.

At first you have to offer them separately, one by one for two or three days. Once it has been proven that they are well tolerated separately they can be mixed with each other or with other fruits.

Photos | dimnikolov, corypina, S Baker on Flickr