Medical tests in nursing mothers

It may happen that a nursing mother is in need of certain testsDicas, such as a nuclear magnetic resonance, a computerized axial tomography or an X-ray and have doubts about whether you should stop breastfeeding. In all cases cited, even if contrast products are used, Breastfeeding can continue without contraindications.

X-rays do not remain in the irradiated object, they are not transmitted through breast milk or alter their properties. There is also no risk for the infant if the mother undergoes an ultrasound, computed tomography or nuclear magnetic resonance. The contrasts are products that barely pass into the milk and there is almost no possibility of side effects, so it is not necessary to discard the milk and can breastfeed immediately.

All the gadolinium contrasts Usually used for magnetic resonance imaging, they are fully compatible with breastfeeding. Same as iodinated contrasts. Do not wait a minute to breastfeed.

It may happen that we are instructed to discard milk and wait 24 hours, but this recommendation does not have scientific evidence in its favor and all experts point out that it is possible to maintain breastfeeding normally.

Obviously some diseases on the part of the mother or the child may need medication and in each case it would be necessary to assess, if there is any risk, if the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the possible side effects and always look for compatible medications.

Therefore, upon the recommendation to stop breastfeeding if a nursing mother should perform diagnostic tests such as MRI, CT or radiography, scientific evidence indicates that it is not necessary and can be breastfed immediately after its completion, even if contrast is used.

Video: Rh Incompatibility in Pregnancy Nursing NCLEX Management. Rhogam Shot Maternity Review (July 2024).