"For a pregnancy without" campaign against alcohol consumption

The image that illustrates these lines probably sounds to you, since it has been circulating for a few months to give us a clear message. The Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO), together with the Association of Brewers of Spain promote a campaign entitled "A pregnancy without", focused on the need to eliminate alcohol from the pregnant woman's diet.

With the illustrative slogan of "Because he drinks what you drink", informative brochures have been prepared in which society is intended to raise awareness in general and pregnant women in particular about the incompatibility that exists between alcohol and pregnancy.

The damages that alcoholic beverages can cause in the physical and mental development of the baby are known, since the alcohol ingested by the future mother reaches the child through the placenta, but still it is common to see pregnant women drinking alcohol .

In the campaign it is advised that, if they opt for beer, they choose the variety of non-alcoholic and type zero, even in the period of breastfeeding. There are also some alcohol-free sangria recipes to "fool" the desire to cool off with wine.

Although, as the campaign is proposed by the Association of Brewers as we have said, they also explain the benefits of non-alcoholic beer (in the brochure for gynecologists).

In the information leaflets for pregnant women in the campaign, we are reminded that drinking alcohol carries the risk that the baby weighs less at birth, grows more slowly or has congenital problems. It could also cause problems to the development of pregnancy.

The "For a pregnancy without" alcohol campaign It also includes other tips for a healthy and balanced diet during the nine months of pregnancy that every pregnant woman should keep in mind.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).