Benefits of early mother-baby contact

Historically early contact between mother and newborn It has been necessary for the survival of the baby, however currently in the western world, due to hospital routines, they are usually separated in the first moments after delivery.

However, the opposite should be fought, since early contact between mother and baby reports numerous benefits.

  • Skin-to-skin contact favors mother-child interaction due to various exceptional causes in the immediate moments of delivery.
  • During this period a series of chemical and hormonal processes occur that favor an important state of communication for the development of the mother-child affective bond.
  • The baby during the two hours after birth is in an exceptional state of calm alert, produced by the discharges of various substances such as catecholamines (norepinephrine, adrenaline ...), responsible for stimulating the baby's respiratory function, and which favors rapid Learning and contact.
  • Before falling into the little "lethargy" after birth, the baby looks, smells, hears, feels and ultimately recognizes his mother.
  • The same recognition comes from the mother, who in a quiet environment can devote herself to "explore" her baby for the first time. It is an intense moment and that every mother feels and remembers burning inside.
  • Thanks to skin-to-skin contact, the crying of the baby at birth is reduced, which has just gone through a stressful situation.
  • It keeps the baby warm, who has just undergone a sudden change in temperature when passing from the intrauterine liquid medium to the outside environment.
  • Early contact helps the onset and duration of breastfeeding, as the baby searches, explores and finds the nipple, starting early sucking.
  • The mother becomes the protagonist of baby care, thereby increasing confidence and self-confidence.
  • Thanks to this early union, the first bacteria that reach the baby's mucous membranes and digestive tract (which at birth are sterile) are those of the mother, "friendly" bacteria that protect against the invasion of other strange and potentially dangerous ones.

We have not forgotten the father. It is also essential for him to receive the baby for the first time. The father is also part of the early contact, as support and accompaniment to the woman, as well as to facilitate the skin-to-skin contact in case she does not feel strong or has reduced mobility. If it is not possible to put the baby on the mother, it will be the father who can take the baby in his breast if he wishes.

If the circumstances of childbirth make it necessary to separate the mother and the baby (complications, surgery, neonatal health problems ...) early contact is not possible, but that union should be initiated as soon as possible to provide all the described beneficial qualities and that do not depend on the biochemical factors linked to birth.

Of course, if the birth occurs in an intimate and respectful environment, the immediate contact between the baby and the mother occurs in a more intense way and the benefits increase, so whenever possible this environment should be favored. A baby (and a mother) will be much calmer, relaxed and receptive if the environment and the company are favorable.

For all these reasons great benefits of early contact between mother and newborn you should always try not to separate the baby early.

Video: Kangaroo Care: The Benefits of Holding Your Newborn Close (July 2024).