Belly of rent or surrogate motherhood: legality in the world

Rental mothers, surrogacy or surrogacy they occur when a woman accepts, by agreement, to get pregnant with the goal of gestating and giving birth to a child who is going to be raised by others as if they were her parents. It is a maternity by replacement through a gestation contract.

It is a situation that raises a lot of ethical, religious, psychological, biological and legal debates and is prohibited in most parts of the world. But nevertheless, In some countries, maternity leave is legally accepted, although in some it differs between altruistic and commercial subrogation.

The altruistic or ideal subrogation occurs in the case of relatives or close friends who lend themselves to having the son of the couple who cannot do so due to biological impediments; In the commercial or economic rent an economic agreement enters into play between the parties that agree.

  • In the U.SIn spite of some sonorous cases in which the surrogacy process was not carried out as planned (repentance of the surrogate mother, something that has occurred in other cases), justice has been giving the reason to the Biological parents and for that reason the demand and acceptance of the rent bellies is being extended more and more. There are currently laws in eight of the United States that allow gestation contracts.
  • There is a legal concept in many countries that the woman who gives birth to a child is her legal mother, and gestation economic contracts are prohibited (France, Holland, Spain, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom ...).
  • Although some countries, such as Canada, prohibit the "commercial" form but admit the "altruistic" (when there is no money in between and close relatives are offered).
  • Brazil expressly prohibits the lucrative nature of this practice. But he points out that clinics, centers or services for human reproduction may create a situation of replacement pregnancy when there is a medical problem that prevents or contraindicates pregnancy by the genetic giver. In these cases, the surrogate mother must belong to the family of the biological mother (in a kinship relationship until the second grade). Other cases will be subject to the authorization of the Regional Council of Medicine. It also
  • Other countries allow both practices (altruistic and economic), such as Belgium and Ukraine. Ukraine It has become in recent years a fundamental destination for maternity rental, such as the United States.
  • Maternity rental in india It is cheap and the laws are flexible since 2002. In 2008, the Supreme Court of India ruled that commercial maternity was allowed in this country.

It is hard for me to cover all the legal, but above all, emotional implications in cases of surrogacy, that's why the adoption In principle it seems to me the most suitable alternative to the biological problems that prevent a baby from developing in the mother's womb.

Issues such as the orphanhood of the children or the emotional detachment of the mother make the adoption process more "simple" if desired, although obviously the economic, bureaucratic and time costs are not less.

Saving the thousand and one distances, although this other situation has come to mind thinking about the welfare of the childrenI think that the case of mother-grandmothers who decide to have biological children is much worse for their future.

Hopefully, the advances in assisted reproduction mechanisms and medicine in general will allow women in the future to have children in their womb who, due to certain physical problems, cannot gestate them, which are a large part of the people looking for rental bellies.

Although other profiles that such a solution would not serve, such as single men or homosexual male couples, also seek these surrogacy services.

In any case, the legal situation of the rental belly in the world It is the one indicated above. I do not know if the legality of the surrogacy process will soon be extended, in principle it seems quite complicated, despite the fact that it is increasingly in demand.

Video: Womb to rent - the harsh realities of surrogacy - reporter (July 2024).