The sale of industrial pastries and soft drinks in schools will be limited

Personally, this seems to me to be good news that probably helps to stop (even if it does not solve) the problem of growing obesity among children. In Spain, the sale of sweets and soft drinks in public schools will be limited.

Or, at least, it will be recommended that they not be sold, although perhaps the limitation should have been stricter, that is, the next step. The Ministry of Health and the autonomous communities agree on a plan to banish these foods from schools, so that they are not available to children in the canteens or in vending machines.

In addition, it is intended to limit the caloric content of products that children can buy between class and class and combine criteria to develop school menus. Measures with which they try to stop the increase in childhood obesity, and to which I hope they add the obligation to offer fruits and vegetables in the canteens.

Nutritionists, pediatricians and endocrines consider the plan useful of the Government, although they indicate that the desire to stop obesity will not be fulfilled if there is no involvement on the part of other sectors of society.

Because as we know the problem of childhood obesity begins in the family and in our eating and physical habits, and the health or community, such as school, can contribute to its prevention as has been demonstrated in different studies.

For its part, the food industry is not satisfied with these measures, and it does not surprise me because it has large consumers in children.

But nevertheless, it is not a total ban, since the plan does not establish penalties for those who do not comply (but do inspections to know if the agreed points are followed). It can be considered, therefore, a set of recommendations that all autonomies have agreed to respect.

Neither drinks with caffeines or other artificial stimulants or sweeteners, nor snacks with excess salt, nor sweets with excess fats, except trans fats… That is, they are left out from the bags of potatoes to the chocolate buns.

Hopefully, the Government's strategy against obesity will continue to focus on other areas and that this Limitation of sale of industrial pastries and soft drinks in schools help our children be healthier and that the whole society becomes aware of the importance of healthy eating.

Video: Super Size Me (July 2024).