Rearrange sleeping hours with back to school

The return to school establishes a return to the routine and within it, return to the early risers. During the holidays the schedules tend to become more flexible, so back to school imposes rearrange sleep hours.

There are children who have probably gone to sleep at the same time as the rest of the year, but the usual thing is that during the summer, when the days are longer, the children end up sleeping later.

Children need to sleep a certain amount of hours, whatever the body asks, so the best thing to do if you have not done so is to put the child to bed earlier so he can sleep as long as he needs to get up early.

Observe the hours you sleep at night and ensure that you go to sleep at the appropriate time for all those hours to be fulfilled. Otherwise, they will wake you up when you have not had enough rest.

Most likely, you don't want to know anything about going to bed early, so it would be best to start a few days before the start of school by going to bedtime about 15 minutes each day.

I advise you to do it, especially with children who have a hard time getting up in the morning. If you rest enough hours you will have a quality rest and will begin with more desire the school year.

(Almost) nobody likes to go back to the early hours, so help him adapt to the new schedules with love and patience. Wake up your child with pampering, caresses and a good breakfast to start the day with energy.

Happy back to school!

Video: how to get no sleep & survive a school day (July 2024).