The Basque Parliament wants to ban smoking in cars with children

Today I bring you what I think is good news that is spreading to different territories. Already at European level this proposal of smoke-free cars had been made, and now it is the Basque Parliament who wants to ban smoking in cars with children.

This is a measure included in the new smoking prevention bill presented by the Basque Government. Thus, smoking will be prohibited in outdoor areas used by children and "in any private transport where minors are present."

So the cigarettes in the parks are over, from which we often have to flee more or less secretly because the whim of the air causes tobacco smoke to come to our children.

And the cigarettes in the cars, which if it seems to me quite painful to endure it as a passenger without minors (although I recognize that I smoked in the car years ago), smoking in a car where there are children is incomprehensible.

Another thing is how they will control it, or to what extent the regulations will be applied, because who else who least keeps talking on the mobile while driving ... And although in that case it does not put the respiratory health of their children at risk, it does compromise the integrity of all crew members.

Something similar would happen with tobacco as can be heard in recent awareness campaigns, since the fact of lighting a cigarette also involves considerable decentralization.

And as well, the more they are in contact with the tobacco smoke, they not only have more health risks but more likely to end up smoking in the future, it seems very good that they do not smoke in front of them under any circumstances.

The norm that prohibits smoking in private transport with children It could enter into force, if it is approved in the Basque Parliament, at the end of 2010 or beginning of 2011. Hopefully it will be like that and be another step in the collective awareness of the fragility of the little ones in the face of the evils of tobacco!

Video: Here & Now Wednesday September 18 2019 (July 2024).