Street safety tips with babies starting to walk

The house is the place where babies usually take their first steps, and must be adapted to new needs. However, we must also take into account Street safety tips with babies starting to walk.

Surely we will use the backpack or the cart for a long time yet, but the little ones can already walk along the street next to us. It is important that we get used to precisely that, to walk by our side, holding hands until they are better off standing, and loose only in places where there is no danger if they move a little away from us.

In the parks, they will want to explore everything now that they can move more, but there is still time for them to dominate their movements, so they know how to climb stairs or access most swings. We have to make sure that the playing fields do not present danger. We will avoid sharp edges, splinters or dangerous surfaces.

In the streets of traffic-bearing towns, we have to show him his first road education: when to cross the streets, look at both sides, the meaning of traffic lights, the danger of car exits from garages ... Little by little, the child It will assimilate all the indications.

Of course, we must also warn them of the danger of going alone or running away, due to falls, outrages and other accidents.

Other tips are also applicable to babies before they walk, such as sun-protected exposure, monitoring everything that ends up in their hands and can be put in the mouth (butts, stones, coins, pipes ...).

In the premises and establishments to which we enter we will also have to take into account the advice we saw for the home: control stairs, plugs and any source of danger.

In short, you should not neglect a child who starts walking even for short periods of time; remember that in these years more accidents occur than in any other stage of childhood. Must carefully watch in the street the child who begins to walk and enjoy the walks together safely and peacefully.

Video: Walk Safely Song. Safety Tips For Kids. Cross the Street. Be Safe. by Tunes For Learning (July 2024).