The 27 most beautiful love phrases for your children

Today is celebrated Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day, Friendship Day and also a special day to celebrate the greatest and most powerful love: the love of the children.

We have selected those that we believe are the best 27 love phrases for children. Beautiful reflections that put into words the feelings that motherhood and fatherhood awakens us and how the arrival of children changes our lives.

The 27 most beautiful love phrases for your children

"I had never had the busiest hands or the heart so full of love."

"When I feel that I cannot do more, I look at my children and I realize that for them I am able to fight against everything and against everyone."

"All the void of my life is filled by your smiles"

In Babies and more17 beautiful details you can have with your children in San Valentin

"The love of my life doesn't tell me princess, it calls me mom."

"You are the prettiest story that destiny wrote in my life."

"When the book of my life is closed, my children will be the most beautiful chapter."

"I will protect you until you have grown, and then, I will continue to protect you."

"It's amazing how something so tiny can make you feel something so huge."

"Without my children, maybe my house would be clean and my wallet full, but my heart would be empty."

"I love you from the moment I knew you were coming, I loved you more when I heard your heart beat for the first time, I loved you from the first minute you were born. When I saw your face and took my hand, then I knew that from that moment , I would give my life for you."

In Babies and more This Valentine's Day we celebrate the greatest, sweet and powerful love: that of our children

"I am your mother and that is forever, like the love I feel for you."

"No matter what you say, no matter what you do, no matter where you are. I will always love you. "

"You are the reason why I became stronger ... but you are still my weakness."

"As much as time goes by, I can't believe how something so small can make me feel so happy."

"Dad and mom's lives changed with your arrival. We are no longer alone. Now we are a complete and happy family for you."

"You are my present and you will be my future and the best thing that has happened to me."

"Your joy is my joy, your heart beats mine."

"A child is a being who comes into the world to give us an intensive course on how to love someone more than ourselves."

"I believe in love at first sight because I love you from the first moment I saw you."

In Babies and more There is no more pure, tender and sincere love like the one your children have when they are little

"The most beautiful thing I have in life fills me with happiness and is priceless. They are my children."

"Son, I didn't know I had a hole in my heart, until you came to fill it."

"Life will not always be easy, but do not be afraid, you will never be alone, your problems will be mine and I will be by your side until the end of my days."

"It's not easy being a mother, but it makes me happy to be yours."

"By just existing, you taught your parents to love."

In Babies and more The love of a mother is so great that she gives her own life to save her children's

"Son, never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you have a dream, you have to protect it. People who are not able to do something will tell you that you can't either. If you want something, go for it." ('Looking for happiness')

"When I say 'I love you' I don't say it by habit. I say it to remind you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"You can't buy happiness, happiness is born."

More beautiful phrases:

  • The 15 most beautiful phrases about motherhood

  • The 15 most beautiful phrases about fatherhood

Video: 27 very meaningful quotes and Cute for girlfriends - Things Girls LOVE Hearing (May 2024).