The baby that is to eat it ... literally

If reborn babies give me an impression, what can I say about this baby, whose mold rivals that of those almost real dolls. When the cloth is lifted, a tender, very realistic baby appears on the tray. A baby to eat it, literally, because it's a cake.

Imagine where realism comes, which has been quite disturbing (if not creepy) the second part of the video, which shows how the baby's body is already halfway and the head is cut. I can't resist notifying you: it can hurt the viewer's sensibility, as it seems that we are attending a section of the skull for an anatomy class.

If I find it uncomfortable to see how someone's photo is cut in a cake of those in which the image of the boy or girl appears, you can imagine what it feels like to see this cake shaped like a baby.

And whose has been this strange idea of ​​doing a baby-like cake? Its author tells us that he made this cake for a co-worker. I think they must have felt something cannibals realizing the sweet ... and also a little scary is the silence with which they appear next to the baby cake.

The baby, really, is a vanilla cake Stuffed with mixed berry jam and topped with marshmallow cream and fondant. To eat it, right?

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In Babies and more | Reborn, Michelle Cake's cakes, A black baby stars in a controversial ad for some cupcakes

Video: Baby finna eat hamster gone wrong literally gets eaten (May 2024).