Babies and more wishes you a Merry Christmas

Christmas is here. Tonight is Christmas Eve, so like every year from me and all the Baby Editors team and more We want to wish you a Merry Christmas.

We hope you enjoy a beautiful family night surrounded by the love of your children and loved ones.

In the last month we have offered you all kinds of content related to this special date. We have given you gift ideas with the most recommended toys for each age, some delicious Christmas recipes for the whole family, Christmas crafts, and also children's fashion and fashion for pregnant women so that you all go very beautiful.

We have also recommended twelve essential books about Christmas for the little ones and a great application to surprise the kids that recreates the visit of Santa Claus and the Magi in the living room of your house.

As advice, so that the parties do not take their toll we invite you to eat healthy and move and teach you to buy safe toys without forgetting that the best gift for your children is you.

Finally if you do not have plans for these days, we recommend the seven premieres of children's films for this Christmas.

We hope with all this that you spend a very special Christmas Eve with your offspring. Merry Christmas!

Video: We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Christmas Songs & More Nursery Rhymes Compilation for Kids & Babies (June 2024).