What do you think about non-vaccination ?: the question of the week

We have been talking about vaccines for a few days in Babies and more because it is one of the hot topics of the moment. Measles outbreaks are appearing throughout Spain and increasing the numbers of cases of other diseases such as whooping cough, in large part thanks to the fact that there is less and less vaccine coverage and consequently more children susceptible to catch and transmit diseases.

It is true that vaccinating children is nowadays optional. No one can force you to do so (unless there is an epidemic situation and temporary obligation is established to avoid major evils) and that is why parents must make a decision about it.

The most common thing is to do what has always been done, vaccinate the children, however for a while to this part many parents prefer not to do so.

This week we want to know: What do you think about non-vaccination?

From today you have a week to go answering that question in the Answers section (if you reply here in this post the message will not be taken into account) and next Wednesday we will comment on the most voted or most interesting interventions.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you: Do your children go to summer school? Why? To know a little what your choices are in this regard, taking into account several things: one, which many think that after all the year in school, going on could be a bit "tiring" for children. two, who usually have a good time and some required and three, which is usually quite expensive.

The answer with the highest score in the votes has been that of diminuka, who is still wondering what to do about it:

Well, thanks to this question I have asked myself. My daughter is not going to school yet (next month she turns four) and we are discussing at home whether or not to take her next year. So, I asked in a kind of day colonies and they told me they will call me if the group leaves. They have a pool, playroom ... and it seems fine. There are only 10 children in case the group leaves and it could be a good "adaptation" for when I have to go to school. What we have very clear is that if the first day does not like or has a bad time then we will not take it and ready, we lose the money of the workshop and that's it. Although I think he will have a good time. The truth is that I have many doubts but she seems to want to “take off” from me even if it costs me so much. As my husband says: "The more I read Punset, the less I want the girl to go to school."

AnnaJR's response has had the same votes as diminuka's, although lower score, having decided to take her daughters for a matter of conciliation (and fun):

Sara and Marta will go to summer school. 15 days, at the school where Marta's nursery is. Sara's school (and Marta's in September ... finally!) Is arranged and has no activities in June. Marta goes to the guard of a private school that we have very close to our house and in front of the house of the grandparents (important data) that does organize activities in July. They will go until I take my vacation. Daddy is still in vacation limbo at work. Sara has been to this summer school (where she also went to daycare) since the years and her sister alike. Sara is already asking when she starts in summer school because she loved last year's experience: she was already going to the school for the elderly and in the summer school she met new friends, did different things, learned to swim ... anyway, what happened bomb. For Marta it is a bit more of the same, because she continues with her names, with many of her friends throughout the year and because the routine is the same. But surely the next course, when it is a major of 4 (just turned 3) will be motivated by the novelty. And ... well, the basic reason is the reconciliation of work and family life. We could leave them with my parents or my in-laws, but it is a bit of a disorder although they would be delighted. In addition, I know as I said, they have a great time. The only downside? Well that is quite expensive.

The rest of the answers, some also classified as brilliant, come to say in a nutshell that children tend to go by parents (sometimes not), but that they have such a good time there that in subsequent years they usually even ask for it.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: A Message for the Anti-Vaccine Movement (June 2024).