How would you feel if you look bad for eating in public?

I leave this excellent video that reflects very well how would you feel if you look bad for eating in public.

You are sitting quietly on a bench and, as you are hungry, you take out your snack and start eating. Babies who pass look at you angry and disgusted, if they talked they would even make hurtful comments and they might even ask you to get in the bathroom to eat. Absurd?

It is, however, thousands of babies and their mothers suffer this unpleasant situation. When a baby is hungry, there is nothing more normal and natural than feeding, and if she breastfeeds, breastfeed. But there are still people and there are places where seeing a mother breastfeeding her son causes disgust and discomfort. Even some moms see that they are forbidden to breastfeed in public, as if their nutritional breasts were a sexual claim or something disgusting.

What sick mind is shocked to see the tender image of a baby fed by her mother's breasts?

I loved this video that reflects very well the abuse of this situation, turning it around and showing the adult receiving those reproachful looks for eating in public to raise awareness about what breastfeeding is not something to be ashamed of nor that I should receive bad looks.

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In Babies and more | Prohibited to breastfeed in public, Breastfeed in public, Breastfeed in public