Speech disorders: stuttering

Stuttering, or dysphemia, is one of the speech alterations that has generated more debate over time. Speech fluency difficulties are not always present in people, or with the same intensity.

For example, a 3-year-old boy can say "pa-pa-pa-dad come look; he, he, the kitten eats" If you are nervous. Likewise, this child can speak without any alteration if he is calm.

Factors such as the pressure of the context, the attitude of who hears, the topic of conversation or emotion while telling something can alter the fluency of the child's speech.

Stuttering usually begins between the ages of two and five, usually when language has started and it is fluent. In the first preschool years the problem tends to disappear spontaneously, reoccurring throughout the year.

The risk of stalling stuttering increases from 14 to 18 months since it starts, although the causes are unknown for which the disorder disappears spontaneously and for which it remains. However, they may be due to the set of several factors related to the language and speech learning process.

Stuttering Development

Approximately when the child is three years old, there is a great advance in the child's development: at the surprising linguistic level, at the level of social relationship, at the level of motor speech skills ...

On the other hand, several environmental factors also have their importance in emotional and emotional development: especially, the environment in which the child grows.

During this evolution, there are also factors that can alter the proper development: language difficulties, motor skills, social, emotional ... The high number of fluency errors of the child during the preschool stage is closely related to these factors.

If the people who are with the child require him to do things that he cannot do, they can favor the stuttering appearance, since fluency is not yet fully acquired or does not dominate the coordination of the organs involved in speech.

It may happen that these repetitions, extensions and blockages become more frequent over time, and stuttering becomes more stable, being able to reach last until adolescence or even adulthood.

Soon we will know more information about stuttering theories, the evaluation Y the treatment.