Dads and moms blogs (LXXXII)

First Tuesday of September. We have already returned to the routine and the little ones have just started their classes, or are about to, and from Babies and more we bring you a review of the contents that have attracted our attention in some of the moms and dads blog We have found on the net.

We begin the review with an invitation Maite gives us to visit his bar in Guess how much I love you. Personally, I think it's a very good business, with a lot of future, and I'm already thinking of setting up my own bar in my house. You are all invited to the inauguration.

Blanca, from her White Log, makes us have a fun time sharing with us some of the famous phrases of their children and thus seeing the ability of our children to give us a smile with their most innocent comments and ideas. Surely you have lots and lots of funny phrases from your children!

Since Enjoying Together, Rebeca invites us to make some delicious chocolate muffins for those moments that we crave and we don't know what to eat. In addition, it is a recipe that we can make with our little ones, which is a great opportunity to spend time together and do a joint activity. Don't you make your mouth water?

And following the gastronomic advice, Anny from My only child It brings us a typical recipe from Peru: zambito rice, a recipe similar to our rice pudding and easily prepared. Remember that from Babies and more we have also proposed some fresh recipes in our Summer Special with children.

Pediatrician mom and her Diary of a pediatrician mother It makes us see what happens to the sons and daughters of pediatricians, and that is that many times we leave work things at work so as not to mix work and family life. Who has not happened something similar in relation to their profession?

In I grow up the dwarvesRecent Mom tells us about autism without myths or pejorative uses and brings us a little closer to knowing the world of this type of children who have a Generalized Developmental Disorder.

The mother of a witch He tells us his experience with the return to the nursery and the fun situations that may occur in the nursery line, like someone approaching you and asking if you are nervous thinking about whether your daughter has started crying in her First days.

In My kingdom for a horseJose Maria Lloreda introduces us to the Virgen de la Leche, and informs us of the many representations that breastfeeding has had throughout history, as well as teaching us a video about breastfeeding in ten simple steps.

We follow with special interest the adventure of being a mother of Anuda thanks to what she tells us from her blog 9 months. Already in the twentieth week, we find a curious comparison between a private and a public gynecological examination, as well as a small big surprise that they have given Anuda. Do you want to know what it is ...?

Since PixarSpain, Marcos and Jara inform us that the PixarSpain Magazine is now available, where we can find the highlights of their blog, as well as new things dedicated to the great current animation. It is a good opportunity for children (and parents too, why lie) to be distracted a little from the "exhausting" of the beginning of the new course.

Finally, A different motherhood and its creator, Eloísa, make us think about whether nursery is really a substitute for television. What do you think about it?

And this is the review of moms and dads blogs After the return vacation. Remember that you can get in touch with us if you want to send us information about your own blog or others to follow and that may seem interesting to you. In this way, we will include them in the section next week.

Video: Bilan 2018 Partie 2 (July 2024).