Italian parents lose custody of their daughter because they are too old?

In the blog we have sometimes talked about some women (and men) of advanced age who have managed to have a child, and the controversy has jumped. Do they have the right to be parents when they are so old? Are they selfish and do not think about the future of the child?

This debate is now revived with recent news: Italian parents have lost custody of their daughter because they are too old, as read in various media. However, we will now clarify that it is not just that.

A juvenile court in Turin has established that there is an age limit beyond which the administration can remove a child from its parents. The protagonists are Luigi Deambrosis, 70, and his wife Gabriella, 58, who have a daughter of one year and four months.

The couple had the custody of the child removed, on a precautionary basis, when she was one month old, and now four judges have ordered that the girl must be delivered for adoption because her parents conceived her driven by "the narcissistic desire to have a child", without considering "seriously that the girl will be orphaned at a young age and must first take care of elderly parents."

The sentence, which the defense judges based on prejudices and against which it will appeal, may not have arrived without the process to achieve pregnancy and the birth of the baby taking place between the controversy and it was decided to open a surveillance procedure for the case .

To this is added prior negligence: When the girl was one month old the father left her in the car while unloading the purchase, the girl began to cry and a neighbor called the police.

This isolated incident has caused parents to observe them with a magnifying glass, and the experts warn of having detected psychological problems in them.

In Italy the news jumped yesterday, and in general there were no voices in Italy in favor of the sentence. A lawyer questioned the sentence because it is based on a single episode of carelessness. Some pediatricians defined the ruling "out of place" because breaking a family, they accuse, is the last solution and "a child cannot be removed because in the future his parents could be invalid."

The girl was conceived through a procedure known as "heterologous artificial fertilization", an assisted procreation technique that needs a donor. For much of a traditional society and influenced by the Vatican's slogans for reproductive laws, this type of artificial fertilization is contrary to the unity of marriage, the dignity of husbands and the right of children to be conceived and brought to the World in marriage and for marriage.

Perhaps if the baby had been adopted or conceived as the couple tried for years, this sentence would not have occurred in which many determinants converge, that parents are too old, who conceived their daughter in a "little heterodox" way, who left her in the car alone for 40 minutes ...

His parents are desperate and ask in the Italian media not to destroy his family or take away his daughter. A very painful and very complex case of these Italian parents who have lost custody of their daughter, which will continue to speak, sure. We will be attentive to upcoming news about it.

Video: Deported dad wins custody of kids (June 2024).