Special Infant Feeding: recipes for children under one year (II)

We have started the Special on Infant Feeding in Babies and more with recipes, specially developed by us, and designed to offer variety, nutritional richness and an interesting taste experience, adapted to each age bracket.

We have already offered some recipes, presented in mash, but they are equally valid if the child is already able to eat small pieces, very cooked and in small pieces. And besides, except for a bread soup recipe that we will give you below, they can be eaten by children allergic or intolerant to the most common things: they have no egg, no cow's milk, no gluten, no nuts ... and in which We suggest fish, it can be eliminated or exchanged for a meat that it can tolerate.

With recipes for children under one year It is with whom we must be more careful not to include in the dishes things that they still cannot eat, be they food or are flavorings such as sugar or salt. Nor are we going to include chard, spinach, turnip, or beet because it has been advised of the high nitrite content, or large blue fish, because of its mercury content. Of course we are not going to include neither egg, nor nuts, nor soy, nor cow's milk.

Are here our recipes, special for dinner for babies under one year old. They're going to rewind the safe spoon, sure.

Rice soup: all possibilities

Rice soup is a very digestive dish and an ideal way to introduce cereals into infant feeding since six months. It has no gluten, which, if we are not going to introduce it yet, is something to consider. It is ideal for dinner and it hardly takes time to do.

Once cooked rice, which should be the softest, not integral, until it is very soft, we can pass it through the blender if the child is very small, although soon he can crush it with the gums.

My proposal is to prepare it with a little broth of the cooked chicken with carrots, so it will be more tasty and we will take advantage of the nutrients that are left in the remaining broth.

If the child is already ten months old we can make a broth with white fish, for example, hake cooked with onion and potato, and give them the rice soup with that liquid, using the solid ingredients as a main course or giving it the dinner soup and the porridge in the meal.

Another delicious way to present rice, without resorting to industrial porridge, is to buy semolina, which is very thin and cooks quickly, remaining, if we do not go over liquid, almost like a porridge with the density we decide.


Tapioca is generally used to thicken sauces or make desserts, but its digestibility, nutritional richness and rapid preparation, in addition to its lack of gluten, make it ideal for children.

We can present the tapioca in two ways, as a soup rich in carbohydrates, or as a sweet dessert (but without sugar).

For dinner, the ideal thing is to cook it in a pot that we have left over from the purees or with one that we expressly make, with a meat that the child can eat, always without adding salt. If we cook chicken we must remove the skin and fat before, and then, we can eat it in the salad or in a sandwich with mayonnaise, which is very good. Do not throw anything away, the idea is to make recipes for babies that serve so that we can all take advantage of them.

Another way to give it is to leave it very dense, it is almost like a flan, and add breast milk or artificial milk adapted to leave it more liquid, which will give them a consistent dinner without having to resort to the bottle with industrial cereals.

Bread soups

We barely eat bread soups, as our grandparents did, but the truth is that they are a very rich dish that we can adapt to babies, whenever we use, preferably, a homemade bread with bakery, to control the amount of salt or not add anything directly and use A good white flour. If we are going to use bread from the bakery it is better to buy a fresh one, in a trustworthy establishment that does not carry salt, such as the one they sell for people with hypertension.

In a caldito made with ingredients suitable for the age of the baby or in warm milk we will dissolve the crumb of the bread, and I assure you that there is a delicious dish for the little ones, with all the nutritional richness of the cereals and easier to make, impossible .

This dish will only be offered when the time is chosen to introduce gluten, but precisely, by presenting one or two teaspoons at the beginning, it is a simple and healthy way to give it to you for the first time, without buying multigrain porridge that is not going to offer a Higher nutritional quality after all.

Fish Recipes

Although the recommended age to introduce white fish is from nine or ten months, there is no hurry to do so, especially if there is an allergic history in the family, so we will leave it for recipes from the year on.

Anyway, it can be given before, being the ideal preparation of White fish steamed or cooked with very little liquid, in small pieces or incorporated into the purees, being especially rich if we mix it with potatoes and cooked onion, as we suggest in the dish of colored potatoes or in the rice soup.

As you have read in this Special on Infant Feeding in Babies and more, prepare rich and tasty recipes for our babies under one year old It does not require too much time, money, or effort, especially knowing that we are going to give them, in this way, a natural and nutrient-rich diet, with everything they need to grow and discover the pleasure of food.

Video: 10 Breakfast Recipes for 1 - 2 year babytoddler - Easy, Healthy Breakfast ideas for 1 year baby (June 2024).