Seven more stunning photos from the time of delivery in "National Geographic"

A few days ago we showed you three pretty impressive photos related to the time of delivery, which were part of the "National Geographic" Annual Photography Contest.

I thought that with those three photographs I had published all those related to childbirth, but nothing could be further from the truth, because I left at least ten more, of course a sign that I looked for them where I didn't have to look for them.

After having a look (well, both), to the complete gallery "People", where there are more than 5,000 photos, I have finally stayed with seven photographs that remain impressive for me or if they do not reach it, they lack little. As then, I wanted to share them with you, because each one shows a moment, a moment, a tenth of a second of what is usually one of the most unforgettable moments in any person's life.

Hunter takanami

The one on the cover is from an underwater birth in Australia, explained by her parents as follows:

Water birth is one of the most amazing things you have ever experienced. Hunter traveled through the vaginal canal with a totally calm heart rate. He entered the water carefully and did not cry when his mother's arms welcomed him.

Hello World! (Hello World!)

The one you see up here, in an operating room, gives all the impression of being a cesarean birth. The person who uploaded the image for the contest stayed in a brief "A fleeting moment to capture something amazing."

Birth through the Second Womb

The third photo is also of an underwater birth and the family explains that Zohar, the girl, had just left and that at the time of the photo they were preparing for the water-air transition, as if it were her second birth. The girl became a minute under water until finally, slowly, they took her to the surface (as you know the cord continues to beat after the birth of a baby and therefore continues to provide oxygen and there is still blood circulation).

First Breath of Life

This photo photograph is of a vaginal delivery in a hospital (it is clear from the hands that take the child) and his parents narrate it saying that, even with half a body inside his mother, this newborn already performs his first breath and prepares for life, for what the world has planned for it.

Mother's First Touch

The fifth photo explains the first time a mother touches her baby. It is strange, because the person who takes the baby is not the one who is giving birth, but his look says it all. In the explanation it can be understood that this mother could not have children and that a friend managed and gave birth to her baby, so, in effect, it is the first time that mother touches her son.

Evie Water Birth

In the photo we see above we can see another birth in the water and a really impressive image, which is that small portion of the baby's face that we see in the mirror. His mother explains it as "the first time my daughter saw herself".

Victory (Victory)

The seventh and final photo is what I would call "more people than in the Marx Brothers' cabin", which I have done is the first thing I thought when I saw it. This photo is explained to us by saying that a mother who has done a great job finally takes her baby in her anxious arms. The best thing is the expression of the mother, that mixture of suffering, fatigue and happiness difficult to explain.

As I warned you in the previous post, be careful with these images: they are addictive. You can spend several minutes looking at each one of them, so keep that in mind if you have other things to do (although this may say it too late, right?).

Video: Birth Photography Tutorial - My top 5 tips for new birth photographers (May 2024).