Travel safely during pregnancy

It is likely that these holidays are going to take a trip even if you are waiting for a baby. You can travel while pregnant, surely you both appreciate a break, although there are certain recommendations for safe travel during pregnancy which we will review next.

The first is to point out that the second trimester is the safest to travel, although this does not mean that it is prohibited at the beginning or at the end of pregnancy, with certain caveats. The first, as is logical, whether it is a risky pregnancy or a rest has been recommended for the pregnant woman, no matter what stage of pregnancy she is in.

The first trimester is delicate to travel, so it is recommended to choose nearby destinations. If you suffer from nausea that may increase when traveling, do not forget to ask the gynecologist about any harmless tablet for the baby to help mitigate them.

In the second quarter is when as a general rule the woman is more prepared and in a better state to travel, the nausea with luck will have disappeared, the pregnancy is well established, the risk of miscarriage decreases and we will not have gained so much weight that we feel uncomfortable during the trip.

Regarding the third quarter, we have probably lost a good part of our agility and the weight gain causes discomfort that makes us think twice about spending a long time in a means of transport that prevents us from moving freely. Tiredness at this stage advises choosing nearby and very relaxed destinations.

It is then that it will be more important to move as far as possible, stretch your legs, walk ... and dress with comfortable and baggy clothes that do not hinder circulation anymore, so resentful normally at the end of pregnancy.

In any of the stages it is also important not to go on a trip on an empty stomach and carry provisions that can relieve nausea or take away hunger at any given time, if it cannot be stopped during the journey. What should not be missing is the drink, the most advisable water to stay well hydrated.

In any case, whatever the quarter, do not forget that we are talking about quiet vacations, that do not require significant efforts that can affect the health of the mother or the fetus. No risk sports or adventure tourism to exotic destinations that require extreme precautions.

In the luggage we must carry obstetrics history, all the medical documentation we have (analysis, ultrasound…) in case there is a setback and in the place of destination you should go to the doctor, even for the possibility of premature birth from the seventh month of pregnancy.

That is why from that date it is preferable to choose nearby destinations that allow us to go to our usual doctor for any questions or setbacks.

Means of transport during pregnancy

  • Airplane.

We already saw that you can travel by plane during pregnancy, however it is important that women make sure the regulations of each country and each airline, as each one can establish its own rules.

In general, airlines recommend Do not travel by plane when the gestation period exceeds 32 weeks. Some require the woman to sign a document that exempts the company from liability for any eventuality arising out of her condition. In addition, some airlines limit a date earlier than 32 weeks.

Regarding whether a medical certificate is necessary, it is only required by women who exceed 32 or 35 weeks of gestation, or if the pregnancy time is uncertain or if there are complications in it.

Of course, there is no need to fly if there is any pregnancy risk, especially if there are indications that childbirth can be premature. As much as possible, we will sit near the bathroom or exits or in the row with more space to move the legs.

The seat belt, like that of the car, is located below the belly, from the hips. When the mandatory use belt light goes out, we may need to take it off to be more comfortable. In those moments, when we can, we should get up to stretch our legs, although we cannot go very far at least we will approach the bathroom, or take small walks down the hall.

We may also get up to ask for water, since in the airplanes the humidity is usually very low and it is convenient to drink a lot of liquids. Try to sleep if the trip is very long.

  • Train.

The train is a very comfortable means of transport, allows greater freedom of movement, so changing position, approaching the cafeteria, the bathroom ... will be convenient during the journey. However, we must not forget that the rattling can give some surprise, so it is convenient walk leaning on the seats Next to the hall.

  • Car.

The car is the best option for short journeys, very comfortable to go to our air and, always with the seat belt on, barefoot or perform movements of feet and legs to promote circulation.

In addition, it allows you to stop when needed, and not try to lengthen the journey time without stopping. At least every two hours it is advisable to make a stop, because as is logical inside the vehicle you can not walk or go to the bathroom.

As a driver, it is better not to get behind the wheel in the last trimester: the volume of the gut can make it very uncomfortable and fatigue and blood circulation problems make driving difficult and inadvisable.

  • Bus.

Personally, I don't like traveling by bus too much, and I doubt I would have done it during pregnancy (I mean long trips). The bus does not usually have a bathroom, and if it is, it is narrow enough to make it difficult for a person of a certain volume to access.

It is also not allowed to walk in the corridor, it is dangerous because there is a risk that any curve or slowdown causes us to lose our balance. The possibilities of movement are very small and those of stop "on demand" practically impossible.

  • Ship.

The boat trip can be quite relaxed if we make sure that the state of the sea is going to be calm. But you can give us an unpleasant surprise in the form of waves and nausea. There are many types of boat trips: from simple ferries that connect two places near cruises of different duration, so the considerations will be different in each case.

The cruise can be a relaxing trip (which will change a lot when the children arrive) and allows you to rest if we do not hurry with the excursions on the scales nor do we want to make the complete agenda of the on-board diary.

If the short ferry that we have to take has coincided on a swell day, it is better to postpone the journey (whenever possible) or change if possible a means of transport, since the raging sea can give any person a dislike, not let's say during pregnancy.

Following all these tips we can travel safely during pregnancy and enjoy a "pre-baby" vacation time. And, although it is often said that it will take a trip to repeat itself, I will not be the one to do it, because I encourage you to continue, once the baby is born, traveling as a family.

Photos | antwerpenR and mira66 on Flickr On Babies and more | Travel recommendations for pregnant women, Can you travel pregnant ?, Travel pregnant: means of transport, Travel with children: nobody said it was easy

Video: How safe is air travel during pregnancy? Dr. Sanchaita Das (June 2024).