How did you choose the name of the baby ?, the question of the week

Every week we ask you a question that parents can answer and vote in our section Babies and more Answers. This way we share experiences and know your views and customs better. Weekly we launch a new question and we value the answers of the question from the previous week.

As soon as we learned that we are waiting for a baby, and sometimes even before, we immediately started find a name for the baby. There are many issues that we consider in the election, so this week we ask you:

How did you choose the baby's name?

We would like to know the details of the election. What have you prioritized: family mandates, exclusivity, meaning, another motive? Who has chosen it? Has it been easy to agree? Tell us all about the choice of your children's name.

The question from the previous week

Last week we asked you if you believe that the cuts in education will harm the quality of it.

The most voted has been Anamare who told us:

Yes of course. The quality of education is already diminished by the treatment it is receiving from the Government and the Administrations that have first completely discredited teachers and professors (since September with the letter of Esperanza Aguirre to teachers from Madrid until the recent approval in the BOE of the new ratios and others). Second, they have lashed out at the civil service in general to cover the deficit caused by bad political efforts; they have taken advantage of social unrest due to unemployment and the economic crisis (and of values, too) to create hostilities and confrontations between families and teachers, between students and security forces ... And not only have they lowered our salary, something that some of us would have accepted in exchange for advantages such as the flexibility of schedules or that with what we are discounted, new teachers will be hired to reduce unemployment; but no. In addition to the salary: they do not cover casualties of less than 10 days, they do not allow the accumulation of breastfeeding in a month, they do not cover the hour of breastfeeding, they suppress places of compensatory and support teachers and also increase the ratio. I already said it in another comment: since posts that close all schools, so they really save. When the crisis is over, they will open again. Of course, the quality of education of the children of politicians will not be affected because they will take them to private schools, with less than 20 children per classroom and without immigrants or disabled. no? That is equal opportunities and the welfare state. And I do not care about the color, right or left: when they are in power they forget the one below. If the concerted schools increase their ratio, more students will enter but those of theirs, and what they will do will be to close some public and regroup, forcing families to move away from their neighborhoods. Teachers will strive to continue offering the best possible education, but if when there is a leave it is not covered for ten days (and then we will see) what we cannot do is divide, because in the school the teachers do not have free hours they are making supports in other groups and without these supports children with difficulties cannot follow the class; and if they don't follow the class it affects the whole group. Because in our schools there are children of all kinds, and we want everyone to have the same opportunities, so we have to "support" those who need it. I hope that parents do not get so angry about the holidays we have (which are those that are regulated by our agreement, like the rest of the work) and that they realize that we are all in the same boat, that with less resources is not It can make a better education, with less education, more violence and more discrimination, and that is not the future we want for our children.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it.

Please do it in the section of Babies and more Answers and not responding to this post or our Facebook page, but we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: letting youtubers pick my starbucks drinks for a week. . PART 2 BABY (July 2024).